Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Sunday, October 11, 2009

“Official” Election Results - Oct 10, 2009

The results of the September 24 annual meeting and election were posted in my building on Saturday. The announcement stated that “four individuals were elected to two-year terms”. It also stated that “the candidate who was elected for the remaining one-year term has declined that Board position; therefore the Board of Directors will be appointing someone to fill that position at the November 12, 2009 meeting.”

These are summarized statements made by the elected candidates and included in the election packet mailed to all unit owners on August 31, 2009:

1. A former homeowner who was an administrator in a non-profit for 23 years (public relations and fund raising). Married with children and grandchildren, travelled overseas extensively, teaching English, promoting projects, etc. Inner-city pastor for 17 years. Policies/objectives are 1) Being responsive to residents, board, management and 2) Developing a stronger sense of community. Time Conflicts: Retired.

2. For 35 years, served in various capacities in a non-profit corporation, including managing properties and programs for camps, building a thriving publishing house. Have worked under a board and been a founding member of several boards, internationally. “In retirement, I am offering to help BLMH become a vibrant community which will be attractive to prospective buyers and increase the value of our homes.” Policies/objectives: BLMH “needs a board that is willing to listen to owners and residents and that is transparent about all aspects of its deliberation through careful and complete minutes of board discussions for any owner who wishes to read them.” Our monthly fees are “twice as much as some other associations.” Using the Community Association Institute will be able to effectively review all aspects of our association to improve efficiency and eliminate wasteful overpayments. BLMH needs to change from an administrative association to an aspirational community. “The board is to serve all owners, not just themselves.” Time conflicts: Retired.

3. Volunteer experience as a leader for Boy/Girl Scouts of America, past president of PTO at middle school level, worked on numerous fund raising committees. Policies/objectives are 1) Help maintain and improve a safe environment for all residents of BLMH to live. 2) Be open to all suggestions but only come to conclusions after much thought and deliberations. Time Conflicts: Working.

4. Senior administrator at a nearby college. Manages a budget of $3 million, develops and leads 26 employees as a productive team, and negotiates large contracts with outside vendors. Has served on the boards of other organizations. Policies/objectives: to enhance the value and beauty of our community’s assets, and encourage neighborliness, through competent, transparent, and fair-minded stewardship. Time conflicts: none.

Reference: Community Association Institute  http://www.caionline.org/Pages/Default.aspx


  1. Clearly this posting is full of negativity and inaccuracies. But it certainly has nothing to do with the author.

  2. Are you trying to tell a joke? If so, I don't get it. I do think you are rude and certainly not funny. The posting lists what is actually listed on the notice on the entryway boards and the synopses from the candidates. How does that make the author negative and inaccurate?

  3. Yes, it was a joke. I was referring to the comments quoted from the individuals who got on the board. Sarcasm doesn't translate well through the web. And, I said it has nothing to do with the author. Thank you for your comments anyway.

  4. You are also an id__t. How can you say that the comments you are referencing, came from elected board members. Do you have proof?

  5. Before you call me an id__t, you should do some reading. Those were the things that the candidates THEMSELVES put on their applications. But you would know that because you took careful consideration before voting, right?

  6. Ooohh...name calling! Backt to grade school with you!

  7. I read Oct 12 2:29 PM as saying the candidates weren't telling the truth in their synopses, not that the author was lying about them. I'm sure that'll get the other half of the room riled up though.

  8. Herein lies the problem. We have those that simply do not read or listen. That is obvious by some of the comments and definitely by some of the people at the board meetings. READ - LISTEN - THINK. Very simple folks - we are not trying to make it hard.

  9. Can somebody read it to me?

  10. Sure, but you would have to listen, and that might be a problem.


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