Each unit owner attending was provided the opportunity to pick up a copy of the agenda for tonight's meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting of September 10, a copy of the “Model Code of Ethics for Community Association Board Members”, a “Tentative Schedule of Special Focus for Board Meetings 2010”, a copy of “General Rules and Regulations, Procedures for the Enforcement of Rules and Regulations” effective September 11, 2003, and Balance Sheet as of 9/30/09 with Assets and Liabilities, and an Income/Expense Statement for the same period.
Highlights include excerpts from the Treasurer’s Report, Management Report, Architecture and Maintenance Reports, Landscaping, Newsletter and Communications Report, Homeowners’ Forum, etc. The format of the meeting was slightly different. A unit owner who is a former president commented to the board that the placement of the “Homeowners’ Forum” on the schedule does not permit unit owner’s to comment on items that are to be brought to vote, prior to the vote. The new president said this would be considered and unit owners would be given such an opportunity. For that reason, unit owners spoke at various times during this meeting and not simply during the “homeowners’ forum”
- The President presented a tentative schedule of topics proposed for each business meeting in 201o. The core topics as proposed are:
· January – Finances
· February – Architecture and Maintenance
· March – Landscaping
· April – Insurance
· May – Legal
· June – Reserves
· July – Management
· August – Board
· September – Owner/Tenant Relations.
- She requested that all board members attend the annual CAI meeting, to be held on January 16, 2010.
- She suggested a quarterly “coffee with the board” time for unit owners to meet informally with the members of the board.
- She requested that all present board members reaffirm the “CAI Model Code of Ethics”, which they did. The code states that “This model code of ethics is not meant to address every potential ethical dilemma encountered by a community association board member, but is offered as a basic framework that can be modified and adopted by any common-interest community.” The Landscaping Director was not present for the meeting and so he did not have the opportunity for affirmation. [Comment: the code provides a list of nineteen (19) things “Board members should” do and also which “Board members should not” do. However, there is no statement of enforcement or consequences included. So how would the board deal with any member who broke this code? Without such a statement of consequence, this is just another good idea. So it would seem we have a model code which is entirely voluntary and no enforcement policies or procedures.]
- The new Architectural Director introduced himself to the unit owners who were present and stated that he was “privileged” to serve on the board.
- He presented a statement about current projects. Roofing projects underway are complete. However, driveways which were scheduled are incomplete, and will be delayed until 2010 as determined by decision of the board. Due to weather and delay for city approval, the board rejected installation of asphalt at this time with concern for quality. The board voted [in private] to complete this work in spring 2010. Voids will be filled with limestone screenings until next year.
- The problems with the building wall at 1731H have been discussed with the former Architectural Director and this will be corrected in 2010. The problem is identical to that which occurred at another building and was corrected. So technique, cost and so on are understood. [Comment: This problem was revealed during a detailed inspection of the building because of roofing damage reported to the former Architectural Director, by me. The wall was hidden by large trees and this problem would have gone unnoticed, and uncorrected. This leads to the question, how many other potentially serious and minor problems exist and to which the board is unawares?]
- The AD made a request for assistance from unit owners.
- The vendor/supplier phone numbers will be added to the next newsletter. This was omitted from the October newsletter due to a lack of space.
- Work on the “official” website is progressing and copies of screen printouts were provided to the board members.
- A December newsletter is planned.
- She has a committee to assist in communications tasks.
- No report was submitted as the Director was not present. Management commented on specific items in the monthly board member packet.
- The new Director stated that she was “looking at changing the protocol of how violations are handled.” No explanation was given, but it was stated that this concept was incomplete, and in progress.
- Management gave a lengthy report including service order histories, status of census and insurance forms from unit owners are required – approx. 95% and 97% complete, a brief statement about correspondence in the packet to board members, window modifications.
- A request has been made for the removal of two small “fruit bearing” trees which are attracting birds and making a mess. Location is 1760P and 1758D [Comment: how many other, similar trees exist and are also resulting in a “mess” for unit owners. Will they also be considered for removal? If not, why not?] The President requested that the board and management wait for the recommendation of the Landscaping Director.
- There are proposals from vendors for the removal of dying trees at 1760P and 1712L.
- The painting contract bids for 2010 will be reviewed. [Comment: The former Architectural Director expressed at several meetings in 2009 that he was not satisfied with the quality of the painting. In particular, he expressed concern that the painter had shifted to application via spraying and that the paint layer was not thick enough, and showing early signs of wear. A revision to specifications had been planned and is now in the hands of our new board.]
- ComEd has completed upgrades to underground electrical distribution, but landscaping repairs are not yet complete.
- The 2010 budget was not mailed on time for the 30 day window stipulated for unit owner review. It is proposed for vote at the January 2010 meeting, with fees unchanged until after that meeting.
- As requested, CAI membership has been increased to include all board members.
- 1604 driveway drainage swale seeding mat was discussed.
- The need for contractor approval to begin fabricating balcony inserts during the winter months of 2009/2010 was discussed.
- During the management report, unit owners asked to make a few comments, and did. I will include their statements in the section “Homeowners’ Forum”.
- There was currently no Treasurer, pending assignment and vote by the board.
- The manager who was present gave the treasurer’s report.
- The president asked for a discussion of items in the financial reports which are “over budget”. Some of the items, including insurance and grounds & building maintenance were significantly higher than budgeted. Management explained that this might be due to dating issues, rather than actual annual costs.
- The Communications Director stated that she, with an assistant, were making progress in preparing a new welcoming packet.
- The assistant wants to meet directly with new owners and renters and provide a “rights and responsibilities” list. [Note: During the unit owner’s portion of the meeting, a unit owner objected to this and stated that the responsibility was with the unit owner, not the association. Contact should be between the unit owner, who is the lessor and the renter, as lessee.]
- Various items were addressed and the vacant position on the board was filled by unanimous vote. A former, experienced board member will have the position of Treasurer. A unit owner who is a CPA offered his assistance, as did other unit owners who were present.
- The former architectural director addressed the board and made statements regarding funding of major projects. He was of the opinion that both Driveways and Masonry are underfunded. Tuckpointing will have to begin in the near future and there are inadequate funds. He also expressed concern about the size of a money market fund and suggested the funds be moved. The president stated that the board is also concerned.
- I made a request for more information on the reserve study. The board is asking unit owners to comment on a proposed budget, but we have incomplete information. I stated that I did, in fact have my own analysis of major projects, their funding and projections. However, unit owners did not have this information. So how could we be assured that the proposed budget will fund reserves so major projects are completed in a timely and necessary manner, thereby protecting our sizeable investment at BLMH? The president directed the management to include the reserve study in the packet to be distributed to unit owners.
- Management made a general statement about the reserve study and stated that this board included two members who were serving their second year. The board has had sufficient time and information to include this study and its projections in the proposed budget for 2010. The majority of increases in our fees have gone to funding reserves.
- There was a general discussion about filling the vacant seat on the board. The former architectural director stated his opinion that it should go to a former board member who was on the ballot and did, in fact, collect votes placing him next in line for the seat.
- There was a discussion of satellite TV. The communications director expressed concern over the proliferation of many small antennas. She suggested that management provide information about installing a single antenna with system to distribute this to everyone. Management pointed out that this is feasible, but that the satellite company would bill for 336 unit owners, even if we did not want satellite. Management agreed to provide the information requested. A unit owner commented on recent experience with satellite TV while travelling and urged the board to avoid this due to lack of reception during rain.
- A unit owner made suggestions for the newsletter. Specifically trash and problems with animals and a request that unit owners help their neighbors.
- A unit owner asked the new architectural director if the rumors that he would be travelling for three months this summer were true. The underlying concern was job performance. He stated that travel was possible, but that long term travel was not an option until later in 2010. At that time the AD made a request for unit owner assistance and provided his telephone numbers, which were omitted from the newsletter.
- A unit owner commented positively on the new sidewalks.
- The sale price of an “A” unit was discussed.
- A unit owner commented on the “Model Code of Ethics” and asked if a similar document could be prepared for unit owners in the audience.
- A unit owners, who rents his unit, stated that he objects to the board statement about directly relating to his tenants.
- I commented on the lack of communications regarding the driveway project. My building had no advance notice; no posting, telephone or mail. A breakdown for several unit owners.
- The former architectural director commented on the state of the major boulevard in the complex, which he had pointed out during earlier meetings. This is deteriorating and needs to be addressed to arrest such deterioration.
- A unit owner voice the opinion that it is impossible to make a 35 year old unit “new”. He suggested “more control”, a “save and then spend” approach and “better maintenance”.
- Unit owners were excused during executive session.
- Upon completion of Executive Session, unit owners were invited to return to the meeting. It was stated there were no action items and the meeting was adjourned.
Nobody cares.
ReplyDeleteYou should, and so should a lot of other people. People need to be informed of what is going on. The board needs oversight so our interests are protected. You must be the person that I refer to as lacking many brain cells. I see you have just about used them all up.
ReplyDeleteGreat reporting.