Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Budgeting, Planning, Home Ownership and Completing the Year

I've made a thorough analysis of the budget and the reserves. This includes a long term - 10 year - projection with possible outcomes. For whatever reasons, our board has decided not make such an analysis or, if they have, they decided not to release it to the unit owners. I updated my initial analysis prepared in the fall of 2008, which I never released. I have been waiting for the board to release some information and they finally did provide details of the "reserve study". Thank you for that!

My information is, and has always been, from publicly available information; the same information each and every unit owner is given. I say that because in the past I have been accused of having access to "special" information, even by certain board members! One of my numerous fax pas here is to read everything I get and study it. Apparently we aren't supposed to do that.

I'm not going to publish all of the planning details and scenarios I have constructed because this is a public site. However, I'll publish sufficient information to inform unit owners of what is going on, and of possible outcomes. If you want further information, then email me. As the board has not released their specific plans to us, the unit owners, we really have no specific idea of where we will be in 5 or 10 years, nor of how we will get there. That's called "a lack of accountability". Assurances that "it will all work out" are unacceptable to me, and should be to each and every unit owner. This is not about trust; it is about achieving results with the hard earned money we provide to this association.

I'd like to take a few moments to address the subject of "Home Ownership". Our board has decided to call us "homeowners" in lieu of "unit owners". As a former home owner, I don't agree with that title. As a former home owner, I was 100% responsible for all maintenance, planning and the financial decisions that accompanied them, as well as for the consequences of all of my decisions, both good and bad. That meant, that I was the one who got up early to shovel the walks and driveway, I was the one who did the mowing, plant feeding and fertilizing, tree maintenance, painting, landscaping and so on. I was the one who removed the various wildlife that decided to move in and I was the one who decided how much money to allocate to hiring contractors, maintenance people and so on, and when the funds were fully expended, I put in the "sweat equity" to complete the numerous tasks.  I also needed to make choices. I discovered that overall costs were lower if I maintained my property well. Carpets lasted longer, using better exterior paint more often, with replacement of trim kept the critters and carpenter ants out and better appearance. But I had to give up a few things, such as driving the automobile a few years longer as money was diverted to property maintenance.

Here at BLMH I do not make those decisions and I am not even fully informed of the planning process and the issues surrounding these decisions. I think it is ludicrous to be considered a "homeowner". Apparently, getting involved and even asking questions is a "no no" here. So I am and will continue to be a "unit owner", no matter what attractive label the board concocts in a misguided attempt to make me or other unit owners feel good. I also think that the 50% or so of unit owners who don't even bother to vote are not sufficiently engaged in the process of being a "unit owner". Of course, my view is not consistent with the official "party line". If you doubt me, perhaps you can find out how many dues paying members this Association has for its social club. This was a very, very big deal in 2009. Supposedly "the majority of us" really, really wanted this. So how many of that majority actually belong and pay dues? 75%? 66%? 51%? How about less than 5%! I'm willing to take a bet on that one, and I'm willing to be corrected.

That's another issue I have here. I am told I am a "homeowner" but as soon as I begin asking questions and attempt to act as one, guess what happens? Seems I have stepped over that invisible line. It's not about me. It's about "us", the unit owner body. Each of us should be provided with the same information. If one of us has a concern about holes in the budget, and the board provides information, verbally or in writing, shouldn't each of us get that same information? Remember, we are all equals here. Or we are supposed to be.

I have concluded that "homeowner" is some sort of honorary title, and as is the case with most of them, is worth less than the paper it is printed on.

The bottom line is this. We are, each and every one of us, "unit owners". We have made some sort of financial commitment and we have chosen to live her. We pay fees each month for the privilege, and taxes and a mortgage. As a "unit owner" I expect the board to manage this association in such a manner as to carefully use the funds I provide to them each and every month, and to maintain this association in such a manner that it is in the same shape today and 20 years from now, as it was when I purchased nearly 10 years ago. That means, formulate long term viable, strategic and equitable financial plans for infrastructure, roofing, paving, the grounds and the 800 or so trees, and everything in between. And exercise those plans and provide for the safety and protection of each and every unit owner at BLMH. And justify their actions to me and every other unit owner at BLMH. I will remain engaged in that process and will continue that oversight as my right and privilege as a "unit owner".

A budget is sufficient and adequate if it includes a long term maintenance plan. Our fees have two components; day to day maintenance, and long term maintenance. These are entirely discretionary. However, as I have pointed out on numerous occasions, the Illinois Condominium Act binds our board to act in certain ways. They are legally responsible. This reduces their freedom to act in ways contradictory to the good benefit of the unit owners. But where there is a will there is a way, as the saying goes. Reminding the board of their duties and obligations, and pointing out glaring failures is another "no no" and invisible line I have stepped over. Oh, but I'm supposedly a  "home owner"?

Is all of this too much to ask of the board? I'll let you decide. Asking questions seems to have resulted in attacks on my property, and that includes this site and the issues accompanying it, and the feeble attempts by people to disrupt it. I too have some information about who has said what to whom, as well as information about the numerous attacks on my personal property. Some of this was shared with the local police department. The board declined to meet with me in a timely manner to discuss this, and ignored my letter. This despite all the rhetoric about resolving all communications issues and even creating the position of  "Director of Communications". I concluded that what was lacking was the will, or that a member of the board or members could be involved in some manner in these attacks.  Is that rational or not? Again, I'll let you decide.

I find it amusing that someone would go to the trouble of interfering with comments at this site and then make it a point to say "Oh, but I don't live here", Nice try! I have been told that about 3% of our society is insane, which is to say "disconnected from reality". With approximately 336 unit owners, that means we possibly have about 10 individuals here at BLMH that fall within that definition. I am sure there are a few who would classify me as one of them.

If the board doesn't like me or my actions, they can take me to court and attempt to stop me legally. Any board member who makes statements or disparaging remarks about this site are doing so in their official capacity as members of the Board of Directors of BLMH. Such statements such as "someone should hack Norm's site" or stop me in some manner are threats and if overheard can be construed as direction or guidance by the board to attack me. I will no longer tolerate any such statements or the resulting attacks on my property.  To individuals who have made such statements, I suggest you consider who you made these statements to or who was present or within earshot when they were made, and discuss this with them and correct this. If a board member was present when others made such statements and said nothing, then you abrogated your duties and were in fact, in "collusion". Be aware that I am prepared to go to any legal length to handle this. The local police are aligned in this. By the way, this was to have been a part of the topic of the meeting I requested, and which the board refused to address in a timely fashion. So much for a commitment to communications. I am thankful for the recent call from our newly elected President, but I am unconvinced the attacks are over, and if they resume the new board members have inherited this problem and responsibilities.

In the spirit of completion, Anon. "December 23, 2009 11:04 PM" why don't you fill our unit owner "December 28, 2009 12:14 PM" in on what it is that has been going on and of which she or he is totally unawares? You know exactly what I mean and it is time for your little charade to end. If you don't want to tell the unit owners, then I will. So either leave or I will unmask those whom I am aware of and I will tell everyone everything I know about this and the attacks and if necessary I will obtain legal affidavits. And I assure you that you, the board and ultimately the unit owners here will not like the consequences. If you have any doubts about any of this, I suggest you discuss it with Mark Maute at First United.

On that note, have a happy new year and I'll be publishing the projections later this week.


  1. I have one comment to Norm about his Homeowner vs. Unit Owner. Did he go to the bank and say that he wanted a loan to buy a unit at BMLH or did he ask for a home loan. If I am wrong correct me. It is a home loan for a condominium not a Unit loan. Go ask a banker for a Unit Loan and watch him roll his eyes wondering what the F..k you are talking about.

  2. Very interesting reading today. Don't know about the rest of you readers, but that last paragraph sounds like a threat. :-)

  3. A little common senseDecember 31, 2009 at 10:51 AM

    Go to the bank, get a 100% loan and you are not a homeowner; the bank is the homeowner because the bank owns the property. 23% of all mortgages are underwater in the U.S., and that number is increasing; that means that one in four "homeowners" owe more to the bank than their "home" is worth. How many homes is that? Supposedly about 11 million! If 23% of the unit owners at BLMH were in that situation, it would mean that about 78 of us owe more to the bank than our property is worth.

    Apparently, Anon 10:10pm, you are one of those who believe that having a mortgage on a condominium constitutes "home ownership". Sure, and using your reasoning, I also "own" my car, although it has a 72 month loan and has depreciated to the point that if I sold it I would have to hand over cash at the sale to the buyer to get it off my hands! But I "own" it!

    So who is the real owner? I'll spare you the mental strain and spell it out for you.

    What I own is the debt. That's what I own. The property is owned by GMAC.

    Most realtors and mortgage brokers pumped buyers up using your reasoning. However, in all of these underwater cases, the poor "homeowner" is a serf, who tends and maintains the property and pays the taxes. That is why foreclosures are at a record number. People are waking up, have realized that in 10 years they may still owe more than their property is worth and are now walking by the millions, leaving their property to the banks. Even 50% of those who have been given "remediation" are walking.

    People are not stupid, they are sometimes too greedy for their own good and they also make mistakes. You, and your banker can tell me I'm a "homeowner" and give me a "home" loan.

    If that makes you feel good, then by all means, feel good about yourself.

  4. Sorry, I own mine outright, feel sorry for you, 72 month car load.

  5. Norm, as we close out this year I wanted to thank you for the useful information you provide. It is a great service that you provide. I always strive to learn as much as I can, to enable me in having a good understanding of issues, etc. You help me in that regard and I am very much appreciative. Happy New Year!!!

  6. "So either leave or I will unmask those whom I am aware of and I will tell everyone everything I know about this and the attacks and if necessary I will obtain legal affidavits." Sounds like you know who it is, spill the beans....

  7. The picture of the snow laden trees and grounds is beautiful.

  8. There is certainly a great deal to learn about this subject.

    I love all of the points you have made.


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