Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Friday, June 12, 2009

Springtime Work and Special Requests are Proceeding

You may have noticed some springtime planting and mulching. This is being done on the normal rotational schedule.

However, our Landscaping Director has apparently been surreptitiously collecting special planting requests from Unit Owners. This was revealed at the Board meeting yesterday, June 12, 2009. Apparently, this planning on his part is sufficiently advanced that he has already obtained bids and this was brought to the attention of the entire Board during the meeting. Bids for anticipated work exceed $18,000.

I was not aware that such special projects were underway and that individual unit owner requests were being entertained. There has been no mention of this in our official Association Newsletter. Surprising as the Communications Director and the Landscaping Director are both members of the ROC Group here at BLMH.

I would have expected that the Communications Director would include this important information in the newsletter. But it seems that a full page article about Salisbury Cathedral, England was more important by the Communications Director. Of course, it could be that we, the unit owners are being fed pap while favoritism and special favors are maneuvered behind our backs.

I am also surprised that there seems to be no priority system for the disbursement of funds; for example, we have dead trees to be removed and we have brown patches where trees have previously been removed. A gazebo, much in need of repairs was also discussed at the meeting. I would think it would be a priority to spend funds to replace these. I have also brought to the attention of the Landscaping Director that there should be a program in place for removal and replacement of ornamental trees which have exceeded their lifespan. No program exists nor is one anticipated. I was told by the Landscaping Director, when he answered my query during the homeowner's portion of a recent board meeting that these trees "will last a long time".

Is it possible that there are politicians here at BLMH? Are we becoming like Chicago, where board members function more like aldermen who cull favors upon the few and to whom unit owners are expected to go for favors or to get results? To put this into context, special work is contemplated for about 16 addresses. The remaining 70 or so will get NOTHING. About $1,200 is being spent on each of the "special" addresses included in the bid. If each building were included, then the budget would be $90,000! That's enough for re-roofing two buildings! But "certain" owners at BLMH will get special treatment at BLMH. What do you think? Do you want certain people to get flowers, shrubs, groundcover, etc. even though dead and decaying trees are not being removed or replaced? Or would you rather have roofs redone? It's your decision and if you don't write the Association Managers about this, the foxes will make off with the chickens. I'll post more on this later in the week.

The photos in this post include only normal work, which is to say, cedar trim repairs and mulching in accordance with the rotational schedule that exists here at BLMH (this per information provided to Unit Owners during recent Association meetings.

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