Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thursday July 9, 2009 Association Meeting Highlights

The meeting was attended by 13 unit owners, which is approximately 4% of the unit owners. The Communications Director was not present for the meeting. The meeting began at 7:00pm and ended at approximately 9:30pm.

Highlights include excerpts from the Treasurer’s Report, Management Report, Architecture and Maintenance Reports, Landscaping, Newsletter and Communications Report, Homeowners’ Forum, etc.

Congratulations to our Recording secretary Director, who is a happy mom and to her husband. They were present at the meeting with their new arrival.


  1. The Treasurer gave a statement of CDs and Money Market Funds, and of certain changes. Interest rates are very low and in the current environment, it was stated that interest rates offered are less than 1%. For that reason, no new CDs were taken out.
  2. Budget variances were discussed. The Treasurer stated that he will provide more specific information during future meetings. Certain costs have increased above the budget and the board will have to decide where these funds are to come from. At present, there are increases in Janitorial (as requested by unit owners to improve the condition of halls and stairways), electrical costs are slightly greater than the budgeted amount, postage has increased due to the larger newsletter, printing and duplicating costs are also increased due to the larger newsletter, the rental of the room for the Association meetings which was not budgeted is $1800 per year and is not in the budget.


  1. Work order histories were discussed and approved.
  2. It was noted that there are more carpenter ants this year and this is attributed to the increased rainfall.
  3. Painting issues from last year were discussed. Several unit owners were dissatisfied with the quality of the painting and funds were withheld from the painting contractor pending correction and satisfaction of the unit owners.
  4. 95% of the unit owner census forms have been received.
  5. There was a discussion of carpet cleaning scheduling. Carpets are to be cleaned before the Thanksgiving holiday.
  6. The janitorial service responded to including replacement of light bulbs in their scope of work. The goal was more frequent and lower cost replacement. However, the janitorial service responded that bulbs above 8 feet height will be billed at $12 each. The Board decided to have the maintenance company replace these, as the cost would be lower.
  7. The reserve study update was tabled until the August meeting.
  8. It has been noticed that there is some algae in the streams. At present, treatment is budgeted at once per month. However, to control the algae treatment may have to be increased to twice per month.
  9. Walkthrough of the recently painted buildings will occur on Monday July 13.
  10. There are presently ten driveways scheduled for replacement, for a total of 20 thousand square feet. Two proposals have been received and two more are expected. The management company requested a telephone vote by the members of the board of managers one the other proposals have been received, so that work can commence as soon as possible.
  11. Discussion of the driveway replacement included the need for an architectural review of the water dispersion requirements of each driveway. Driveways must be individually evaluated due to differences in slope and landscaping adjacent to each. It is to be determined if the pitch of each is proper and if there is positive drainage. Work related to dispersion must be included in the budget and it was requested that the board review.
  12. It was recommended by the professional manager that certain street repairs be accomplished at the same time as the driveway replacement. The goal is to reduce cost and the contractors have indicated a reduced fee as they will be on site with men and materials. There are other repairs and a discussion indicated that a disadvantage would be delay until the driveways are done. Also discussed were the need for concrete and grate work in the vicinity of Plymouth and Lakecliffe. The Landscaping Director made a motion to have the maintenance company do this immediately. The motion was seconded and voted.


  1. A leaking fire hydrant was discussed at Gloucester (Comment: Fire hydrants are part of the “common elements” at BLMH].
  2. The gazebo was discussed. A unit owner had complained that it was “rotting and in disrepair”. After inspection, the gazebo was declared to be “structurally sound” and in need of paint. It was stated that the gazebo does have carpenter ants.
  3. There was a discussion of certain unit windows which were painted brown.
  4. Recently two streams pumps were down due to float failure. These have been replaced and a spare has been purchased and will be placed in inventory, to minimize future down time.
  5. It is planned to complete the installation of Limestone sills at two buildings this year and work is proceeding. The purpose is to replace brick sills which are spalling. [Comment: Over time the ice and snow which accumulates on the window sills results in flaking of the brick in layers, as the ice thaws and re-freezes. As the brick thins, this results in leaks into the units, which is corrected by expensive repairs and if not done may result in mold. As explained by the Architectural Director, the limestone sills are impervious to water and spalling and only require periodic caulking along the edges. This should eliminate the damage to the units. One complaint has been the white appearance of the limestone. However, over time it will darken and will become less apparent]. Here is a statement from the Indiana Limestone Institute: Advantages of Choosing Natural Limestone
  6. There was a discussion of the recently completed building painting, including complaints about painted doorknobs and mis-communications to unit owners. [Comment: one building on Harrow was scheduled for spray cleaning and a date was posted by the painting contractor. However, cleaning did not occur that day. A unit owner called the painting company, spoke with the project manager, got the date and posted that information in the hallway. When painting of the patios on the same building occurred, there was no notice posted and unit owners were not informed by the painting company].
  7. There was a discussion of the status of “B” unit window selection by unit owners in the buildings to be re-roofed.
  8. There was a brief report on the building to be re-roofed; piers are scheduled to be installed the week of July 13, the roofing project will start in approximately three weeks (approximately August 1), and it will take 5 to 6 weeks to get the new window for the “B” units.
  9. One of the buildings on Harrow is missing a section of roofing shingles. The Architectural Director stated it will take about $1500 to repair. He proposed that this roof not be repaired, but instead be re-roofed this year (2009). This was seconded and voted. See “Action Items”. [Comment: for a photo of the roof section missing the shingles, see this blog: http://briarcliffelakes.blogspot.com/2009/06/roofing-damage.html
  10. The Architectural Director will meet with the unit owners of the building on Harrow to select the “B” unit windows.


  1. The Landscaping Director briefly described repair issues and his walk through the property.
  2. He described his discussion with the landscaping contractor about the need to disperse water prior to work.
  3. Tree removal issues were described. The unit owners involved must be approached to decide if they prefer a nice patio or shade.
  4. An additional $43,000 proposal obtained from the landscaping contractor by the Landscaping Director was very briefly discussed. The Landscaping Director recommended that work be confined to grassy areas and that pond work be avoided. He stated he wants to discuss this further with board members.
  5. The Architectural Director made a request of the Landscaping Director. He requested that the landscaping of each building be inspected, front and rear. The buildings would then be described and ranked, as is done with other aspects of repairs. The goal would be to develop an eight year plan with budgeting. There are issues to be resolved. For example, buildings which have a lot of shade can be solved by installing stone, or grass, or groundcover or tree trimming or some combination of all of these. Trimming of trees should be discussed with individual unit owners, who will be affected. Drainage, slope, water dispersion and other issues would be included in the evaluation. There have been discussions about the pros and cons of adding gutters.


  1. Our Director of Communications was not present for the meeting. The issue of dates for submittals for the August newsletter was discussed.


  1. Our acting President and Welcome Director announced the sale of a unit.


  1. There was no old business to discuss.


  1. The Architectural Director reported on some of the issues he has encountered regarding windows as part of the roofing project. These issues involve the types and manufacturing details. He stated that he has a concern that there are different types of windows, some with grids and others without. In one window the grids are installed between the window layers and this may compromise the window seal. Some windows are white and tan with the exterior painted. The warranty for painting is only 5 to 10 years. He left the board with this question: How to deal with this in the future? He views this as a pending problem.


  1. Some comments involved issues between unit owners or renters and it would be inappropriate to include all of the comments here.
  2. Recent fire on Gloucester – the unit owner made a statement “personally thanking” the professional manager and the maintenance company for their assistance.
  3. Painter. There were some complaints about the power washing and painting. This included cleanup by unit owners after the contractor did his work.
  4. Plymouth. There was a discussion about a dead tree, for which a proposal has been solicited and the contractor is awaiting approval.
  5. A tree was reported as diseased or dying at 1777 Gloucester.
  6. Landscaping and tree removal. Unit owners suggested adding ground cover.
  7. A unit owner was advised that their driveway on Thames is on the list of those to be replaced.
  8. The Architectural Director discussed that there are 44 building pillars to be done. These were originally brick and have been damaged by reoccurring freeze thaw action.
  9. There was a question and answer session about the fire at Gloucester. This was caused by a ceiling fan in the utility room. There were questions about whether exhaust fans should be allowed to run in the utility room; this creates a negative pressure and a concern was expressed about carbon monoxide if the furnace or hot water heater are starved for oxygen. The board agreed to look into this further.
  10. A unit owner asked if there were any issues (insurance or otherwise) about storing gasoline on the premises of unit owners. This question was asked because some unit owners were using electrical generators during a recent power outage. These are usually gasoline powered. The board and professional manager could not give an immediate answer.
  11. On unit has a landscaping problem including exposed roots and standing water which becomes mud during rain storms. The Landscaping Director advised that he is working with the landscaping contractor on this problem. The solution is not yet determined but stones and drainage are being explored.


  1. The Architectural Director requested that the roof on Harrow be added to this years work. Cost of the roof was estimated at $42,000. This would be the second roof to be completed this year. He stated there were very few landscaping or drainage issues at this building. This was motioned, seconded, voted and passed by the board.
  2. Tree pruning proposal and tree removal and stump grinding was motioned, seconded, voted and passed by the board.
  3. A dead willow was discussed. This is an expensive item because a large crane is required. The professional manager was directed to get a second proposal.

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