Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bambi meets Godzilla and How to Get a Job

In the spirit of the "new" BLMH where entertainment is a necessity, I provide this post. Sorry, no freebies just yet, but if you do come to the next "Meet the Board" meeting, have a donut on me!

The first is an allegory for the "touchy feely" crowd, who want to bend, I mean "break" the rules, the By-Laws and everything else at BLMH so that "everyone is welcome at BLMH", and "no one is offended" and "no one is ever", and I mean ever, "fined for violations" at BLMH, unless you are really, really, obnoxious, or "one of them."

One thing we human beings need to keep in mind is, no matter what our heightened ego or unrealistic self esteem might tell us, as unit owners or as members of the Board of Managers, we too may be among the lowest creatures on the food chain, and what you or I want or believe, may have absolutely nothing to do with reality. "What" you say "Am I not the center of the Universe"?

Here, in beautiful Wheaton Illinois, in a protected environment, where others are willing to make sacrifices, where our military is working and dying to protect our way of life, and where others are willing to work 24/7 to generate the income required to pay the taxes, and scores of others pay the taxes to fund the benefits of those on social security, once we step outside the "bubble" reality intervenes.

So, here in the idyllic confines of BLMH, we might promote a "touchy-feely" agenda, break the rules for our friends, disregard the Illinois Condominium Act, ignore the By-Laws and do what we can to change the "Rules and Regulations" -"We don't need rules", you say, "Anarchy is a way of Life", and failing that, we can discover the joys of a "Life of Chaos" as we look the other way when it comes to rules enforcement, to create multiple tiers of unit owners, and so on.

When one steps back and looks "at the big picture" we aren't nearly so important, and our problems aren't nearly as great as we make them out to be. With some perspective, we are merely feedstock in the scheme of things, and such activities are merely flushing our wealth, which is to say the wealth of the unit owners here at BLMH.

Do I want a new bench outside my unit? Heck no; there are 84 entrances at BLMH; how much would proper installation of 84 benches cost this association? Do I want free "coffee and donuts" to entice me out of my unit so I can meet the board, because somebody heard that the Wheaton City council is doing that? Heck no! I don't need a "bribe" at association expense to get me off of my couch. I'll come to the monthly Association Meeting of my own volition; no payment required. Do I want garage sales, trucks, campers, and any manner of large vehicles or visitors crowding the streets and parking here for garage or lawn sales, just so some people who have so much junk that they won't or can't use EBay, the AmVets, Disabled American Veterans, the National Cancer Childrens Society, Goodwill or their local church, mosque, or temple to give it away? Heck No!

What do I want? I want my association to "Plan and Prepare", to collect and allocate my fees in such a manner that there are sufficient funds to replace my roof every 15 years, replace my driveway in a timely basis, and keep the streets in good conditions, as well as the common and limited common elements here at BLMH. Is that too much to ask for?

For your information "Bambi Meets Godzilla" is the title of a humorous 1969 cartoon created entirely by Marv Newland. Less than two minutes long, the film is regarded as a classic of animation, and in 1994 was voted #38 of the "50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field".

Next, are you bored? Need money? This funny but somewhat tasteless video suggests that you "Get a Job" and shows you how. With the new direction and need to flush our fees, all of us may need to "Find a Yob" to pay for the special assessments that some say are coming, and here is an online course to help you to do just that:

The above was originally shown on Comedy Central as a part of the program "Mind of Mencia" starring Carlos Mencia, with his brother Joseph playing various roles, including this one.


  1. There is nothing wrong with reviewing the rules and regulations periodically and make improvements if necessary. However, to review the rules and regulations with the intention of changing some of the rules to accommodate a few "select" individuals is wrong, especially with no thought as to the possible future consequences of said changes. Why is there no focus from the majority of this board on the important issues of BLMH - finances, roofs, driveways, streets, fire safety, speeding vehicles, to name a few?? We seem to be on course to become the "Glendale Heights" of Wheaton. Frankly, the emphasis on welcome packets, newsletters, surveys, garage sales, parties, replacing vendors, replacing First United, etc., is getting to be a bit much. The board has fiduciary duties and responsibilities to uphhold to act on behalf of ALL residents, and I really wish they would start doing their job.

  2. Anon 11:20 - Very nice. While I agree with the majority of what you said, I spent 24 years of my life in Glendale Heights. You can take your attitude and shove it.


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