Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Emergency Preparedness and Response at BLMH

This morning (actually, at 11:42pm last night), I received an "official" email notification of the break on Gloucester. The email was addressed to "Dear fellow unit owners" and provided some general information about the break. It also raised several very worthwhile points and advised owners that "the board will discuss the association's emergency-preparedness procedures. In situations like this one, it would be good to have an effective means of keeping unit owners well informed with whatever information is available."

I responded with an email to the board which contained the following information.
  1. I appreciate the email notification, even at this late time (11:42pm). From the salutation, I assume this was broadcast to many owners. How many unit owners are included in the “email loop?” I’m interested in knowing this because that tells me what percentage of owners were notified using this method, and what percentage probably were not.
  2. On the morning of Sunday October 10th, I received a telephone call advising me of the problem. [A former board president] was at the site of the break, and our emergency responders and the city were attempting to shut off the water as quickly as possible. I interviewed the representative of our “Water Management Contractors” to ascertain the situation. I then began fielding owner questions about the nature of the problem. When [our treasurer] arrived, we filled him in. At least two of us were at the site an extended period of time, management was on site, and I returned several times during the day and passed information to any unit owners I encountered. I saw no other board members at any time on Sunday. I am sure other board members were made aware of this as at various times during the day.
  3. A unit owner in the immediate building complained that she should have been notified and suggested the water could have been left on a sufficient length of time so that she could have rinsed; she was in the shower when the water went off! She stated that would be “common courtesy.” I pointed out that in an emergency, it is the responder’s decision. Their goal is the protection of people and property. To any owners I encountered, I explained the procedures and the possible duration of the emergency repair, which could be the entire day. (It was!) If you or anyone on the board want more information about this break, I suggest you read my website.
  4. After complaining, that unit owner returned to her unit. I am unaware if she then relayed this information to anyone else.
  5. It's my understanding that water to most, but not all of Gloucester, was restored in short order.
  6. My purpose in spreading this information was to alert unit owners on the property to possible larger affected area. While the responders were looking for the appropriate water shutoff, it was not immediately clear exactly how much of the property would be without water.
  7. What is the role and purpose of the “Neighbors Club”? Is this something they could and should participate in? [Our Communications Director] is extensively involved in this club and is the treasurer, I have been told. Such service would be a perfect opportunity for an expression of “ownership” by involved owners. So why not use this group to support their “neighbors?” It would also seem to be a natural extension of “communications” by our Communications Director.
  8. I found the level of mis-information among the owners I spoke to, to be appalling.
  9. I would suggest a serious attempt be made to educate unit owners as to the true nature of BLMH, and their role in THEIR association. If the board wants to call us “homeowners” then I also suggest the board begin a serious discussion of what that means and what are the expectations on the part of the association of such owners. Or is “ownership” at BLMH a one way street and our management the concierge? (Note 3).
  10. Why is there no current information about this break on the BLMH.org website? That’s the current official source of “immediate” information for our association.
  11. My report on the break, at briarcliffelakes.blogspot.com, received 87 pageviews yesterday and a greater number on Sunday. It would seem apparent that it is filling a gap in the communications of the association. If current events are posted on the association website, in a timely manner, then it too could be a source of current information to the association. Of course, my blog is an underground site and does not really exist in the official annals of Briarcliffe Lakes Manor Homes. As a consequence, many owners remain unaware of its existence and the information contained therein is not available to them. So it is essential that the official site be first available. 
  12. These websites are not available to everyone at BLMH; it takes a personal computer and access to the web. Not everyone here has such technology and access. Obviously that means such “emergency preparedness” as [the email ] is promoting might require door knocking or the equivalent. Who is going to do this?

Comments, Corrections, Omissions, References, Miscellaneous News
Note 1. I’m sure this particular break caused a significant fall in water pressure in the immediate area. That pressure is vital for fire fighting efforts. It is the inherent nature of emergencies that they result in some disruption and interruption to people’s lives. 

Note 2. What would be an appropriate and effective method or methods of communications? Send your comments or let your board know. However, such suggestions should include what part you would play in this. We can all make suggestions about how "someone else" should make our association a better place to live. However, this is your association. Not simply mine, the boards' or the Neighbors Club members'.

Note 3. Kudos to a former board member for that expression. I like it! 

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