Warning! This will be shocking!
Here, as promised is the SHOCKING and GRAPHIC proof that yes, there are predators at BLMH!
I regret to say, that in this event, I lost one of my friends here at BLMH. "Little Ducky #6" will be missed! He/she was scooped up while crossing the grassy knoll (in the open) with mother and "Little Ducky #1 through 5." (Or was that "Little Ducky #2" that was scooped up? The little dears all look so much alike at this age!)
There may be something to learn here. Since this event, I have noticed a marked change in the behavior of the ducks and ducklings. How could this event happen? Well, the ducklings were simply following "mom." Sad to say, sometimes it is important to follow the right duck and keep your eyes open. "Mom" escaped. She was sufficiently clever and fast to get away. Not so for one of those following her.
Has there been a change? The ducklings no longer casually stroll across the knolls, in the open, assuming that there is no danger. It is unfortunate that this lesson had to be learned in this, such a harsh manner. However, the remaining 5 ducklings are now better able and equipped to survive. They may be much smarter for this, and smarter than us. No manner of "negotiating" worked with the predator. It was "chomp" and it was over. There was no cajoling, no successful intimidation on the part of the ducks or ducklings. Yes, the adult mallards did swoop, the crows did call out their warning. The duck and ducklings ran, but they were simply too far from safety, too "overextended." The predator paid no heed to the noise, would not be distracted, and was faster.
Welcome to the real world. There was a high price paid by "Ducky #6." Do you think the survivors are grateful for this ducklings sacrifice?
What can I say? I have concluded that there are predators among us who will successfully prey on the naive, or careless. My suggestion is, be wary. Be cautious. Survive. And beware of false promises and deceit.
Comments, Corrections, Omissions, References
Note 1. I've lived here for about 10 years. I've attended many board meetings, perused the financials, etc. etc. I am very happy to inform you, the reader, that I have yet to uncover or observe any wrongdoings on the part of our management or contractors. I can't say that about everyone.
Note 2. Sorry if you were mislead by the earlier post. However, it was accurate. This is a shocking event. There are predators among us, some with four legs. You don't believe it? Neither did the ducklings. One paid a very high price.
Note 3. I have concluded that in a very narrow, aberrational version of a "social organization," some will and do organize for the benefit of the few. The justification could be that the ends justify the means. Okay, now back to my fiduciary duties. No more jokes, no favoritism. Just honest work "for the good of the association." And yes, it could be much, much worse than it actually is.
Above: Intermittently, for a time, boards informed owners of association finances
Newsletter 2008 excerpt is an example of earlier board willingness to communicate with owners.
The boards of 2019-2021 prefer not to do so.
Life and observations in a HOA in the Briarcliffe Subdivision of Wheaton Illinois
Best if viewed on a PC
"Briarcliffe Lakes Manor Homes" and "Briarcliffe Lakes Homeowners Association"
I just have to tell you that you have really outdone yourself with this quality article presentation. I am very fascinated with the points you make here and I am in complete agreement with you.