Updated Surplus Numbers

Updated Surplus Numbers
Updated Surplus Numbers: Actual surplus 2018 per audit was $85,163.
Boards 2011-2018 implemented policies and procedures with specific goals:
stabilize owner fees, achieve maintenance objectives and achieve annual budget surpluses.
Any surplus was retained by the association.
The board elected in fall 2018 decided to increase owner fees, even in view of a large potential surplus

Average fees prior to 2019

Average fees prior to 2019
Average fees per owner prior to 2019:
RED indicates the consequences had boards continued the fee policies prior to 2010,
BLUE indicates actual fees. These moderated when better policies and financial controls were put in place by boards

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees

Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees
Better budgeting could have resulted in lower fees:
RED line = actual fees enacted by boards,
BLUE line = alternate, fees, ultimately lower with same association income lower had
boards used better financial controls and focused on long term fee stability

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lakecliffe Paving Preparations to Begin

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South Lakecliffe Paving
This is an aerial view of the section of Lakecliffe which will be repaved. It also shows the crossing of water mains in this section of Lakecliffe.  If all goes according to plan, then Salisbury Court will also be repaved in a few weeks.

On Thursday May 14 the board approved the contracts and work will begin with preparation this week. Preparation will include water mains crossing beneath Lakecliffe as shown above. This will result in closures of Lakecliffe while digging is underway.  The precise schedule and sequence was unknown as of Friday. The plumbing contractor has advised management that the work will begin this week.

Notices were distributed and posted by management on Friday.

Updated information will be relayed as it becomes available. The exact paving schedule has not yet been determined, but could begin in June. Prior to the actual paving there will be a lot of curb work and staking and that will require moving vehicles off of Lakecliffe so the curbs and storm water inlet work can be done.

This will be similar to the project last year and so, residents should be aware of how this will work; after all, we did a similar project last year.

This project is larger is scope than the street project last year. This section of Lakecliffe is longer, more curbing will be replaced and so on.

Sorry for any inconvenience. However, we'll try to get this work done as quickly as possible to minimize disruption. This section was patched last year and we want to avoid another minefield and endless patching. I would think owners would agree, after the experience with the North section of Lakecliffe.

There will be additional information as soon as it is available.

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